Arnold Schoenberg is one of the most profoundly original artists in the history of music. His music is both historically crucial, deeply personal and yet universal. Throughout his life, Schoenberg was on a continuous journey, both literally, personally and figuratively. In an artistic and intellectual sense, he moved from Brahmsian and Wagnerian ideals towards recognizing the limits of tonality, inspired by the artistic movements of his time (as well as the earliest film music). Only by seeing him as an artist and a human in constant motion can we understand his unique development, including his late return to the world of tonality, which I believe was never interrupted after all. I am incredibly pleased to embark on Schoenberg 150 with Deutsche Grammophon and the Danish National Symphony Orchestra. This important recording cycle has been a dream for many years, unveiling the beauty and the importance of Schoenberg’s music to a greater audience.
Schoenberg 150
By 21cmediagroup|2024-08-30T18:00:23+02:00August 30, 2024|Some projects|Comments Off on Schoenberg 150